On Trying to Sound Smart

The importance of good communication, both externally and internally, is vital to being a mindful marketer. When we mindlessly overuse jargon and depend on it to convey what could be said in plain English (or whatever language you speak), we create meaningless words that provide no value to ourselves, our clients, or our work.

Buzzwords make us lazy, discredits our ideas, and alienates those we’re talking with. All things we as marketers work so hard not to do.

Thus, I’m making a promise to you as we work in growing your brand: no marketing buzzwords. Just real, human speak. After all, good strategy shouldn’t need a dictionary.

Read the full Medium-curated article here: https://medium.com/better-marketing/fellow-marketers-please-stop-with-the-buzzwords-f8790061976e


On Location-Independence During a Lockdown